Ashtyn Poortenga - South Siders ; BEEF :" Weight: 1378 Tag: 700-D

Lot Number:D014
Start Time:8/22/2024 6:00:00 PM
Bid Count:15
Winning Bidder:CJ's Coatings/Sealants Inc
Starting Bid:$1.00/lb
Bid Increment:$0.25
Current Bid:$5.50/lb x 1378 lbs= $7,579.00
1378 lbs
Bidding complete

Ashtyn Poortenga - South Siders ; BEEF :" Weight: 1378 Tag: 700-D

- South Siders, ; BEEF, :" Weight: 1378, Tag: 700-D
No donations for this lot

All bids placed are per pound.  Starting bid on all animals is $1.00 and bid increment is $.25 per pound.

The online system will automatically display the total which is the per pound bid amount multiplied by the weight.

For example: an animal that weighs 244 pounds will show a STARTING BID of $244.00 because starting bid is $1.00 per pound multiplied by weight which makes the starting bid $244.00 total. 

United States